As I observed her playing with her dolls, I was thrilled to see that she had picked up my fantastic motherly instinct and that I was obviously providing a stellar role model as far as motherhood goes. She was so attentive and gentle, giving lots of hugs and kisses and pushing her dollies around in the stroller, talking baby talk and cootchie cootchie coo. She has one baby that actually cries and as soon as she hears those cries, she gets a look of panic and concern and picks her up to rock her and say "It's OK baby, shhhh, it's OK."
Everything was going well in the land of the dolls, until last week when some unusual behavior started to present itself. The first thing that made me a little concerned was this:
Then there was this:
Now, obviously these mothering techniques were not picked up from me. I swear I am not traipsing around the house with no pants on and leaving the children in dangerous situations. There must be some other influence at play here, and I guess I am going to have to have a serious talk with my little one about appropriate mommy behavior.
Good thing she has at LEAST another 30 years before she is going to get married and have sex for the first time, never mind before becoming a mother...(a mom can dream, can't she?)