My lovely colleague (yes, this blogging thing IS a very serious business, you know) over at Sex Diaries of a Mom gave me the Kreativ Blogger Award--on the very day that I am feeling my most UN-creative! So I am looking at it as a gift from the gods (or the goddess, in this case) to bring me back my mojo!! Thank you Jennifer! I am forever indebted to you! So here's the pretty bling:
And there are some rules, and they are to list six things that make me happy and then pass the award along to six others to make THEM happy. Well, I AM a giver in nature, so I will abide by these rules. The six things that make me happy are:
1. My children's perfect little mugs
2. My husband's embrace (AWWWW)
3. A good glass of wine
4. An incredible book
5. A crisp fall day
6. Writing something inspiring (and/or funny, stupid or anything that evokes a reaction really)
Now to pass this happiness along (and maybe some mojo with it)
1. Elizabeth at Parenting Pink
2. Jenni at Jiggety Jigg
3. Anna at Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder
4. Debbie at Debbie Does Drivel
5. Carolyn from Carolyn...Online
6. Athena at Hot Child in the Suburbs
Enjoy the happiness ladies! (And I promise you readers that it will make you thoroughly happy if you visit these women's blogs cause they rock!)
Watch out for the mojo, I can feel it comin'!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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